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Music Mountain is comprised of 660 acres of First America Energy's 2300 acre Independence Field lease, located west of Lewis Run in Lafayette Township, McKean County, Pennsylvania. There are 85 wells to be reopened and 100 new drill sites. 


The Music Mountain oil field produced 6,222,640 barrels of oil over a period of 21 years. Total oil remaining in place may exceed  97 million barrels.(1)


The cumulative historical production of the Music Mountain (Sliverville) field shows that a total of 6,222,640 barrels of oil being produced. The surrounding Bradford Second and Third formations have oil recovery rates that range from 6% to 26% of the OOIP. If we were to assume that the Sliverville formation has similar oil recovery rates then the following numerical value of OOIP in the Sliverville can be given: 6,222,640  is  6% of  97,488,026  and 26% of 17,710,590. Therefore, the OOIP may have been between 17,710,590 to 97,488,026 barrels of oil in the Sllvervllle formation. 


The wells have laid dormant and plugged for almost 60 years.  It is an exciting opportunity to partner on as we drilled two wells this past December.  Well 4-40 and Well 4-39. There is plenty of oil.


(1) Source:"Depositional Environment, Sliverville Sandstone (Upper Devonian), Lafayette Township, McKean County, Pennsylvania."  The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford.




  (1) Read Report                                 Link to History of Music Mountain.





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